What we do
Small Change for Transformative Change
The small fund for sustainable land use & socio-ecological transformation
Under the label ‘Small Change’, the foundation searches for initiatives or projects where ‘small money’ can have a big impact, i.e. can be expected to make a difference. A connection to the goals and programme of the foundation's work is essential.
Nature and landscape conservation, agriculture and forestry have traditionally been at the core of the Toepfer Foundation's activities. Since 2007, these "green activities" have been bundled under the title "Future-orientated land use". Against the backdrop of the climate and biodiversity crisis, the Foundation is interested in approaches that address the pressure for change on agricultural and food systems, landscapes, ecosystems and urban-rural relationships in a constructive way.
In this context, projects can be funded that make a contribution to socio-ecological transformation towards sustainability, for example by testing innovative approaches to more sustainable and climate-friendly land use or by creating opportunities for transformative learning and democratic discourse on these issues. We particularly welcome projects that combine social and ecological issues - for example, projects that seek answers to how future-oriented land use can be organised more fairly and how the transformation towards sustainability can be shaped collectively.
Funding is focussed on northern to federal Germany, but projects in other European countries can also be funded in individual cases.
For funding applications that do not relate to Small Change for Transformative Change, please inform yourself about the general funding conditions of the Toepfer Foundation.
If you would like to submit a funding application for Small Change for Hamburg & Europe, please note the following points:
Please read the general funding conditions carefully
Please complete the application form below
Please provide us with a completed cost and financing plan via the application form (template see below)
Only fully completed applications can be considered
- Eligibility conditions
It follows from the requirements of Small Change that:
the applicants generally have non-profit status or cooperate with a non-profit organisation and make a demonstrable non-material or material contribution to the project. Where no non-profit status (yet) exists or individuals apply for funding, there is an increased requirement for transparency regarding the use of funds.
funding can be granted up to a maximum of € 5,000. An application for this maximum amount requires special justification; applications for smaller sums are more promising.
the Toepfer Foundation does not participate in projects with a total volume of more than € 25,000. This does not apply to start-up, preliminary or pre-project costs for larger projects.
the mere support of the regular operation of existing institutions or recurring, already established projects is excluded from funding, and
initiatives or projects can only be funded once and multiple applications by an institution within a financial year are excluded.
The following are generally excluded from funding on application:
Scholarships or individual aid within the meaning of Section 53 of the German Fiscal Code (charity)
covering subsequent budget gaps in existing projects as well as follow-up or shortfall financing
Grants for ongoing personnel costs
Grants for voluntary services abroad, school trips, school exchanges and participation in international school or student competitions (Model the UN, moot courts, simulations for the European Youth Parliament, etc.)
Regular activities within town twinning programmes
subsidies for printing costs or the funding of book, CD or film projects,
the purchase of capital goods for individuals or non-charitable organisations (film equipment, computers, vehicles, etc.)
Projects by independent artists or production costs for projects, provided they are not clearly related to the above-mentioned objectives.
Cultural education projects in schools. Hamburg initiatives in this area are referred to the ‘Culture & Schools’ project fund, in which the Toepfer Foundation participates.
The financial support of scientific conferences, symposia or conferences, doctorates or post-doctoral theses as well as other scientific research projects
The Foundation's funding to date has often taken into account projects that bring people together, are initiated or carried out on a voluntary basis and/or are innovative. In the application process, it is particularly important to state which target groups and effects are to be achieved with the activities applied for. The phrase ‘the general public’ does not constitute a target group description; the intended impact should also be described in concrete terms or by way of example.
Applications may only be submitted using one of the application forms provided below, which give you the opportunity to briefly describe your request and attach further documents. Please understand that we can only make a funding decision on the basis of fully completed application documents. Applications can only ever be submitted in one of the aforementioned categories; in the case of borderline cases or projects that pursue cross-fund objectives, applicants are requested to identify the focus of their activities themselves.
Without wishing to imply any entitlement to funding from the Toepfer Foundation, we would like to refer you to the Stiftung Mitarbeit publication, which may aid in formulating a funding application: Successfully Acquiring Funding.
We would also like to refer you to the “Ecological Sustainability Checklist” of Stiftung Niedersachsen and invite you to use the checklist to consider the ecological sustainability of your project (only available in German). You are welcome to enclose the results with your application (voluntary). Click here for the checklist: Stiftung Niedersachsen.
The foundation endeavours to respond to such requests within one month. Unsolicited documents will not be returned and there is no entitlement to funding or justification for rejection.
- Cost and financing plan
- Submit funding application

Dr. Klara Stumpf Program Management of Science Programs, Program Management Land Use Programs
+49 40 33 402 12stumpf[at]toepfer-stiftung.de