Who We Are
Facts and figures
The team of the Alfred Toepfer Foundation F.V.S. in the office at Georgsplatz consists of the two full-time members of the Executive Board, ten permanent employees, one place in the FSJ Kultur and temporary help. Additional staff is employed in the Foundation's subsidiaries for the various functions (especially in the Gut Siggen seminar center, agriculture and forestry, and accounting and investment administration).
With the team of the office, the foundation realizes its statutory objectives. It does this mainly operationally, i.e. it acts as an institution that realizes projects and programs largely under its own operational responsibility, if necessary together with partners. In addition, the foundation awards individual grants on a smaller scale.
Balance sheet & income statement
The foundation's assets of around 94 million euros, invested primarily in securities, real estate and agriculture, are used to finance the foundation's annual purpose-related expenses of currently around 2.2 to 2.4 million euros. More detailed information can be found in the balance sheet available below, together with the accompanying notes. The annual financial statements were audited by independent auditors and received an unqualified audit opinion.

Anja Grischek Assistant to the Executive Board, Leasing and Real Estate Management
+49 40 33 402 – 21grischek[at]toepfer-stiftung.de