What We Do
Think and Do Tanks on Future-Oriented Land Use
Against the backdrop of the climate and biodiversity crisis, structural change, digitalisation and changing social expectations, the pressure to change agricultural and food systems is increasing. One thing is clear: "business as usual" is not an option in many cases. The question is how to shape the change. With the Think and Do Tank on Future-Oriented Land Use, we offer an exchange and networking format for actors from agriculture, nature conservation, science, and civil society.
The question is how to shape the change.

Starting from the premise that the necessary transformation is a societal task, the participants deal with the future of agriculture in a well-founded and at the same time creative and playful process. The first event was a future workshop in March 2020, followed by another think tank in July 2020 on the question "How can young farmers become fit for the upcoming transformation?" Further dates will be offered as required.
Nature conservation and landscape management, agriculture and forestry have traditionally been at the core of the Toepfer Foundation's activities and have been promoted for decades mainly through the awarding of prizes and scholarships. In the years 2008 to 2017, the Toepfer Foundation last awarded the CULTURA Prize for Future-Oriented Land Use, which was interdisciplinary and mediated between science and practice.
With the reoriented programme area Future-oriented Land Use, we are following the mandate in our statutes that the Foundation should "devote itself, as pioneering and concentrated as possible, to tasks that are timely and promising for the future, seek out appropriate tasks and set itself such tasks". At the same time, the activities of the programme area tie in with experiences in other programme areas, in which we see ourselves as a mediator and space provider for exchange and dialogue.

Dr. Klara Stumpf Program Management of Science Programs, Program Management Land Use Programs
+49 40 33 402 12stumpf[at]toepfer-stiftung.de